“Are we there yet??” A phrase, I would venture to say, heard by every parent and uttered by every child at one point or another. It is a universal expression of impatience. When my kids used to say it I would like to respond with, ‘yes, hop out’. But I digress.
It has been roughly 15 months since our country began directly responding to COVID-19 and as I write this it appears that something of an end is near. Assuming the relevant numbers continue in the right directions there is some optimism that the restrictions we have been living with will be removed and some sense of normalcy will return.
However, I do not think it will come as a surprise when I suggest that we will not – cannot – return to what we previously viewed as normal. A world, nation, province cannot endure a pandemic like we have without changes being made. Some of these changes may frustrate us, but others may present an opportunity to better ourselves and our practices.
One phrase that I heard fairly often over the last number of months was, ‘don’t waste a crisis’. It was a little jarring at first, but as I pondered it I came to appreciate the sentiment behind it. COVID-19 has forced us to re-evaluate much of what we do and how we do it and if we wade through the muckiness of it all, there might be some lessons to bring with us as we move forward.
Without question there needs to be acknowledgement of just how hard this past year has been and no one wants to make light of the impact this pandemic has had. The loss of life, jobs, along with physical, emotional, mental and social well-being has been significant. Never-the-less, many I have spoken with are not just hoping this all ends soon, but also trying to reflect on what lessons they have learned. In other words, while no one would have chosen this, living through a pandemic has provided the opportunity to ask questions that perhaps we would not have asked before.
I would like to explore this idea a little further over the coming weeks and months in some further comments. In the meantime I would appreciate hearing from you. What have you learned? What struggles have been the most challenging? What are you hoping for as we move forward? What changes do you see coming? Any thoughts at all would be appreciated.
As always, if I can support your team or organization in any way please do not hesitate to reach out.
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on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 at 7:09 pm and is filed under Comments.
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Are We There Yet??
“Are we there yet??” A phrase, I would venture to say, heard by every parent and uttered by every child at one point or another. It is a universal expression of impatience. When my kids used to say it I would like to respond with, ‘yes, hop out’. But I digress.
It has been roughly 15 months since our country began directly responding to COVID-19 and as I write this it appears that something of an end is near. Assuming the relevant numbers continue in the right directions there is some optimism that the restrictions we have been living with will be removed and some sense of normalcy will return.
However, I do not think it will come as a surprise when I suggest that we will not – cannot – return to what we previously viewed as normal. A world, nation, province cannot endure a pandemic like we have without changes being made. Some of these changes may frustrate us, but others may present an opportunity to better ourselves and our practices.
One phrase that I heard fairly often over the last number of months was, ‘don’t waste a crisis’. It was a little jarring at first, but as I pondered it I came to appreciate the sentiment behind it. COVID-19 has forced us to re-evaluate much of what we do and how we do it and if we wade through the muckiness of it all, there might be some lessons to bring with us as we move forward.
Without question there needs to be acknowledgement of just how hard this past year has been and no one wants to make light of the impact this pandemic has had. The loss of life, jobs, along with physical, emotional, mental and social well-being has been significant. Never-the-less, many I have spoken with are not just hoping this all ends soon, but also trying to reflect on what lessons they have learned. In other words, while no one would have chosen this, living through a pandemic has provided the opportunity to ask questions that perhaps we would not have asked before.
I would like to explore this idea a little further over the coming weeks and months in some further comments. In the meantime I would appreciate hearing from you. What have you learned? What struggles have been the most challenging? What are you hoping for as we move forward? What changes do you see coming? Any thoughts at all would be appreciated.
As always, if I can support your team or organization in any way please do not hesitate to reach out.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 at 7:09 pm and is filed under Comments. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.